

Thank you for visiting Confidently Elegant!

All the views presented in this blog are my own.  If I receive any incentives, (monetary compensation, free products, etc.) in exchange for writing a post, the post will still be an honest product review and the compensation will be noted in the post.

Readers are welcome to comment on posts and to share their thought and opinions.  In keeping with the positive, upbeat nature of this site, any negative, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate comments will be deleted without warning.

Any photos on my blog which are not my own or which are not available for free use from their creators are linked back to their source.  Every effort has been made to properly attribute any photos not my own.  Please contact me at ConfidentlyElegant@gmail.com or use one of the contact forms on this site if any photos or other information appears to be incorrectly attributed and I will work to resolve the issue immediately.   

The privacy and safety of my readers' personal information is extremely important to me.  This site does not collect any personal information other than what readers themselves provide, which can include name and email when signing up for my email list and name and opinions when commenting on posts. 

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